The Most Durable Driveways of All Times

In the 19th century, gravel was the most used material to construct driveways. Presently there are so many different materials people use for their driveways. Below is a list that contains different types of driveways to help you build the entryway of your dreams.

  1.     Concrete Driveways

This particular driveway is on top of the list because it is the most popular one. The main feature that makes this driveway the best is that it’s durable. With concrete, your driveway will remain functional and in good condition for so many years to come. So much time will pass without you thinking about repairing it or installing a new driveway.

If properly installed by professionals, you will hardly ever worry about maintenance. However, concrete driveways have their disadvantages as well. These types of driveways are easily stained. So it will not be a good idea for you to have your car’s oil changed while still on the driveway. If ever oil slips on it then you are going to have a rough time getting rid of the stain. Click here for more useful information about concrete driveways.

Concrete Formwork Brisbanes – Website driveways are perfect for people living in countries where they experience a hot climate. This is because an extremely cold climate destroys a concrete driveway.

  1.     Asphalt Driveways

Second, in line is the asphalt driveway. Just like the concrete ones, asphalts are also very common and widely used. However, it has other advantages that are different from concrete. The first thing that you will notice on an asphalt driveway is its clean and presentable appearance. This feature is brought out by the vibrant black color that this type of driveway possesses.

Asphalts are relatively cheaper to install compared to concrete driveways. Choosing to have an asphalt driveway is like killing two birds with one stone. On one hand, you will have a very unique and attractive driveway. While the other one, you will have a significant amount left to save after investing in asphalt.

The major problem that you will face is its maintenance. Maintaining this type of driveway is costly because asphalts tend to crack and lose its shine easily. They are also not suitable in countries where the climate is too hot. The adhesive used to install asphalts tends to bend and crack. However, repairing the damage is not too tedious since you can do it without hiring a professional.

  1.     Brick Driveways

These types of driveways are commonly used by people who want their driveways to appear unique and classy at the same time. If installed properly brick driveways can make your home look more beautiful and interesting too.

To have this type of driveway installed well, you will need to hire a professional. This is because if the bricks are by any chance installed poorly, you will have a bad time walking or driving on it. When wrongly installed, the driveway can cause accidents and injuries.

To have this type of entryway in your home, you have to dig deeper into your pocket. Purchasing bricks to build a driveway can be expensive. Even though this type of driveway is exorbitant, its main pro is that it’s very durable. It can last for many decades if properly installed.

  1.     Cobblestone Driveways

If you are out for a driveway that will take you back to the good old days, the cobblestone entryway is perfect for you. A cobblestone driveway is very similar to the one made from bricks. The main difference is with the cost. Cobblestones are cheaper compared to bricks. This type of driveway will give your home a beautiful view if installed properly. This driveway is also very durable you can use it for many decades and have few repairs if installed properly.


All the driveways listed above will be perfect if installed and maintained properly. Another factor that will make the driveway of your choice standout is the type of property you have and everything that is going on in your compound.